TTI TriMetrix® HD examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the driving forces that drive them, if they possess the acumen to do the job, and the ability to demonstrate the competencies required by the job. TriMetrix HD reveals specific details in these four areas that describe the how, why, what and can of superior performance. These reports consist of four sciences: behaviors, 12 driving forces, acumen and competencies



Possessing a high level of acumen means someone has the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions due to their natural abilities and/or capacities.

A person’s acumen — or keenness and depth of perception or discernment — is directly related to his or her level of performance. The stronger a person’s acumen, the more aware that person is of their reality.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring Acumen examine the dimensional balance of six areas as they pertain to internal and external factors:

  • Understanding others
  • Practical thinking
  • Systems judgment
  • Sense of self
  • Role awareness
  • Self direction


COMPETENCIES While not every job requires the development of all 25 competencies, TTI Success Insights examines the following personal skills:

  • Appreciate Others
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Conflict Management
  • Continuous Learning
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Customer Focus
  • Decision Making
  • Diplomacy
  • Employee Development/Coaching
  • Flexibility
  • Futuristic Thinking
  • Goal Orientation
  • Influencing Others
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation
  • Personal Accountability
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Problem Solving
  • Project Management
  • Resiliency
  • Self Starting
  • Teamwork
  • Time and Priority Management
  • Understanding Others

For many jobs, it’s not always the technical skills that will catapult employees to success, but rather the personal skills, or “soft skills,” that are often transferable to different jobs.

In the workplace, it’s these intangible, indefinable soft skills, such as leadership, persuasion and playing well with others, that complement one’s technical knowledge. These are the qualities that define us as people and are typically bottom line indicators of employee job performance.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring competencies examines the level of development of 25 unique personal skills, ranking them from the most well developed skill to the one requiring the greatest level of further development.

TriMetrix HD - Management-staff coaching
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TTI TriMetrix® ACI examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the motivators that drive them, and an understanding of how they analyze and interpret their experiences, or their “acumen.” This report blends behaviors and motivators together in an integrated section that will help blend the how and the why of an individual’s actions. These reports consist of three sciences: behaviors, motivators and acumen.



Possessing a high level of acumen means someone has the ability to make good judgments and quick decisions due to their natural abilities and/or capacities.

A person’s acumen — or keenness and depth of perception or discernment — is directly related to his or her level of performance. The stronger a person’s acumen, the more aware that person is of their reality.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring Acumen examine the dimensional balance of six areas as they pertain to internal and external factors:

  • Understanding others
  • Practical thinking
  • Systems judgment
  • Sense of self
  • Role awareness
  • Self direction
TriMetrix ACI - Management-staff
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TTI TriMetrix® DNA examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the driving forces that drive them, and the ability to demonstrate the competencies required by the job. TriMetrix DNA reveals specific details in these three areas that describe the how, why and what of superior performance. In addition, this report blends behaviors and driving forces together in an integrated section that will help you blend the how and the why of a person’s actions. These reports consist of three sciences: behaviors, driving forces and competencies.


COMPETENCIES While not every job requires the development of all 25 competencies, TTI Success Insights examines the following personal skills:

  • Appreciate Others
  • Conceptual Thinking
  • Conflict Management
  • Continuous Learning
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Customer Focus
  • Decision Making
  • Diplomacy
  • Employee Development/Coaching
  • Flexibility
  • Futuristic Thinking
  • Goal Orientation
  • Influencing Others
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Leadership
  • Negotiation
  • Personal Accountability
  • Planning and Organizing
  • Problem Solving
  • Project Management
  • Resiliency
  • Self Starting
  • Teamwork
  • Time and Priority Management
  • Understanding Others

For many jobs, it’s not always the technical skills that will catapult employees to success, but rather the personal skills, or “soft skills,” that are often transferable to different jobs.

In the workplace, it’s these intangible, indefinable soft skills, such as leadership, persuasion and playing well with others, that complement one’s technical knowledge. These are the qualities that define us as people and are typically bottom line indicators of employee job performance.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring competencies examines the level of development of 25 unique personal skills, ranking them from the most well developed skill to the one requiring the greatest level of further development.

TriMetrix DNA - Management-staff
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TTI TriMetrix® EQ examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job, the motivators that drive them, and an understanding of their own emotional intelligence. This report blends all three sciences together in an integrated section that will illustrate the impact emotional intelligence has on core behavioral styles, as well as the top two motivators. These reports consist of three sciences: behaviors, motivators and EQ.

Emotional Intelligence


The ability to understand one’s own and other people’s emotions in the decision-making process is critical in facilitating high levels of collaboration and productivity and achieving superior performance in the workplace.

With rapidly changing conditions in the business world, individuals with high emotional intelligence (EQ) have greater mental health, exemplary job performance and strong leadership skill.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring EQ examine five key areas as they pertain to intrapersonal and interpersonal relations:

  • Self Awareness – Understanding one’s moods, emotions and drives, as well as their effect on others
  • Self Regulation– Ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses and moods; also to think before acting
  • Motivation – Passion to work for reasons beyond money or status; pursuit of goals with energy and persistence
  • Empathy – Ability to understand the emotional makeup of other people
  • Social Skills – Proficiency in managing relationships and building networks
TriMetrix EQ - Management-staff
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