Behaviors and Driving Forces for Sales and Management/Staff

TTI Success Insights Behaviors examines the behaviors individuals bring to the job and the universal language of “how we act,” or our observable human behavior.

Success in life, work and relationships stems from understanding and having a sense of self – of deeply comprehending who you are, what you do and how you do it.

The research-based, validated TTI Success Insights assessment we use at The Steering Group Inc. measures Behaviors in five behavioral dimensions using the DISC theory. DISC measures Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance and was first developed by William Moulton Marston.

Our Behaviors/DISC assessment is key in helping people understand HOW they behave and their ability to interact effectively with others in work and life, as well as how they respond to the following challenges:

  • Problems and challenges
  • Influencing others
  • Pace of environment
  • Rules and procedures

TTI Success Insights Driving Forces is based on six basic interests, or motivators in your life: Theoretical, Utilitarian, Aesthetic, Social, Individualistic and Traditional.

You will learn how to explain, clarify and amplify some of the driving forces in your life. This report will empower you to build on your unique strengths, which you bring to work and life. You will learn how your passions from 12 core driving forces frame your perspectives and provide the most accurate understanding of you as a unique person.


Whereas Behaviors illustrate the HOW of our actions and decision-making, Motivators explain the WHY behind your actions and passions.

12 Driving Forces, based on Eduard Spranger’s theory of human motivation, are the windows through which an individual views the world. These intrinsic motivations explain the key driving forces about someone’s on-the-job performance and why they act a certain way.

TTI Success Insights’ assessments measuring 12 Driving Forces examine the relative prominence of six basic interests (or ways of valuing life) and include:

  • Knowledge – The discovery of truth
  • Utility – Money and what is useful; ROI
  • Surroundings – Form and harmony
  • Others – An inherent caring for people; helping others
  • Power – Personal power, influence and renown
  • Methodologies – A system for living
Behaviors and Motivators - Talent Insights - Sales
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Behaviors and Motivators - Talent Insights management Staff
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TTI Talent Insights - Recruit and Retain Effective Teams
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